Im Rathaus Schoeneberg (Foto) eroeffnet die Installationsausstellung: There is love, why do you hate? Am Montag, 8. November 2010, um 18 Uhr, im Foyer. Die Begrüssung nimmt der Bezirksbuergermeister von Tempelhof-Schoeneberg, Ekkehard Band, vor. Eine Tanz-Performance von Yaron Shamir (Israel) wird musikalisch untermalt von Luci van Org und Gerhard Hoffmann. 8. bis 22. November 2010. Anschließend reist das Herz durch Berlin.
Gerhard Hoffmann There is love, why do you hate? A heart travels through Berlin In collaboration with Luci van Org, Yaron Shamir, André Nickl and Roman Leitner-Shamov
Love can conquer hate — when a Palestinian woman loves an Israeli woman, when in Belfast a Catholic woman loves a Protestant man, or when two men love each other in Iran, although they risk death by hanging.
But when, in war, women and men are raped, when someone is beaten, abused, imprisoned or killed because of his love, because of his religion or because of his ethnic origin — then hate conquers love. We all carry love in our hearts. But nevertheless there is violence and hate. — »There is love, why do you hate?« City Hall of Schöneberg, Foyer, 8 – 22 November 2010 Opening with dance performance by Yaron Shamir 8 November 2010, 6 pm Afterwards, the heart will travel through Berlin.
Gefördert aus Sondermitteln der Bezirksverordnetenversammlung Tempelhof-Schöneberg.
A heart travels through Berlin Foto + Ausführung (Skulptur): André Nickl